What does GREEN mean to You? -Part 2

Jan 13, 2019 | Green

Read Part 1 here


Green to me came neither as a color nor as a flagship, but as a sensation of life, full of possibilities.


“Verde que te quiero verde”

Our native language, culture, life history, together with other influencing factors will shape the way we see, feel, and define the word green. When it comes to building personal perspectives my go to is poetry. Poets have the master ability to put the unspoken feelings into words.

Verde que te quiero verde (Green, how I want you green), by the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936). A poem that talks about green flesh “…green mountains…her green flesh…green wind…” Youth, life, freedom, and joy. Thinking about green as a broad concept has deepened my understanding of the power one’s personal perspective has when building meaning. We say that green is unripe, something that is waiting for engagement and connection. But green is also life in everything or everyone and possibilities to nurture endless meanings of connection.

So, dearest reader, I am sharing this task with you! What does green mean to you? If you encounter someone walking around our SFU campus asking what is emotionally significant about the word green, it might be me, asking for help to make this task more colorful and more meaningful! Hope to have made your day “greener”!