Time for a greener space

Nov 20, 2018 | Green

What houseplant are you? 

Green your space! Find your most relatable companion.


Rubber Plant

Easy growing plant
Nice glossy leaves
Keep warm

Spends a lot of time outside
Not really on social media
Brings a reusable cup everywhere
Sends you goodnight texts

How to care – LIGHT: Full  WATER: More in the summer


Jade Plant

Cute round leaves
Resilient plant
Easy to propagate

The mom friend
Chaotic good
Unproblematic but always late
Always sends you random memes

How to care – LIGHT: Full  WATER: More in the summer


Snake Plant

Robust plant with pointy leaves
Filters air while you sleep
Let dry in between waterings

Goes to bed early
Has an agenda
Can’t stop talking about that one movie/artist/franchise

How to care – LIGHT: Partial  WATER: Not much


Croton Plant

Multi coloured leaves!!
Fast Growing
Great accent piece

Doesn’t know what sleep is
Is an open book
Has snap-streaks with everyone
Drinks too much coffee

How to care – LIGHT: Partial to full  WATER: Frequent


Pothos Plant

Hardy plant
Great for beginners
Let dry in between waterings

Dislikes conflict and confrontation
Always listening to a podcast/playlist
Quiet but has your back
Needs me time

How to care – LIGHT: Shade to partial  WATER: Depends