Sustainability Career Night – Equity in Sustianability

Embark Sustainability will be hosting a sustainability-themed career night in collaboration with CityStudio Vancouver, Kwantlen Student Association and UBC Climate Hub this November, and we would love for you to join us. The event will showcase the stories of outstanding professionals working in sustainability, looking at how we can integrate equity into different sustainability career […]

Sustainability Career Night: Nurturing Policy for Systems Change


This event will showcase the stories of outstanding professionals who are using their careers in policymaking to nurture systems change. We’ll look at how their different career paths all relate to public policy, and how they are advancing sustainability, equity, and well-being in our communities.


Sustainability Career Night: Voicing Movements


Learn how storytelling can advance sustainability, equity, and well-being in our communities, all while getting a taste of the career opportunities that exist at the intersections of creativity, communications and climate!