Embark Sustainability’s Growth

History & Achievements

The Timeline

Beginnings and Beyond

As we look back at what we’ve achieved, we are also excited to move forward with you in the mindful transformation of our organization. We hope to expand our role in a way that reflects your desires, demands, and dreams for a just, equitable, and sustainable future.


Sustainable Campus Coalition

Three undergraduate students establish the Sustainable Campus Coalition (SCC) with a mission to form an SFU Sustainability Advisory Committee that would ensure sustainability is at the heart of decision-making at the university.


Sustainability Advisory Committe

SCC launches a Sustainability Assessment Package and forms the foundation for discussion regarding the creation of an SFU Sustainability Advisory Committee.


Registered Non-profit

SSFU registers as a non-profit organization to increase accountability and capacity to support student sustainability initiatives.


Rapid Growth

SSFU undergoes rapid growth including but not limited to creating the Burnaby Learning Garden, launching new student grants, and regularly offering events and programming to its membership.


Embark Sustainability Society Rebrand

SSFU rebrands and changes its name to Embark Sustainability, focusing on the society’s role in empowering students to lead sustainable change at SFU and in its community.


Organizational Growth

Embark Sustainability grows, increasing staff and student coordinator roles, building new Learning Gardens at SFU’s Surrey campus, increasing the amount of event and program offerings while adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic and deepening its commitment to justice, equity, decolonization, diversity, and inclusion, culminating in its 2021-2024 Theory of Change.


Big Celebrations

Embark Sustainability celebrates 20 years as an student-centred society that catalyzes student sustainability (un)learning journeys for the next generation of leaders. While, Embark Sustainability’s Burnaby Learning Garden marks its remarkable 10th anniversary since opening its learning landscape in 2013.


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