For these individuals, food is life. Not only do they want to take care of themselves through eating vegan food, they want it to taste good. They're excited to explore every new local vegan shop, and share their passion for their diet with others!

The Vegan Enthousiast standing in a grassy field.

Top 3 Student Organizations

Veggie SFU

VeggieSFU brings together like-minded individuals to foster awareness about the values of a plant-based lifestyle and to promote holistic approaches for living a healthy, happy, and sustainable life.

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The Ski and Snowboard Club

The Ski and Snowboard club brings together members of the SFU community to – you guessed it! - ski and snowboard. Regardless of your skill level, if you’d like to join a group of fellow shredders to hit up the slopes with, Ski and Snow is the club for you!

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SFU Hiking Club

A community of hikers open to all levels of experience, typically hiking mainstream trails in the lower mainland within the beginner-intermediate range. SFU Hiking Club also teaches its members about hiking safety and practicing the Leave No Trace principles.

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