Plastic is their greatest enemy in the world, who knows... it may have even killed their parents. They'll stop at nothing to eliminate the plastic, this could mean they devour it as a meal! Anything to save the turtles!

The Plastic chomper standing in a grassy field.

Top 3 Student Organizations

Ban the Bottle SFU

Ban the Bottle SFU advocates for the reduced use of plastic products and commercialized water on campus, raises community awareness about the social, environmental and health impacts of bottled water and single-use plastics, and strives to make SFU a zero-waste institution.

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Embark Sustainability Student Society

A student-centered non-profit that catalyzes student sustainability journeys by engaging SFU students in programs, events, and other initiatives to spark dialogue and cultivate actions that address systemic challenges within our climate and food systems.

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A group that organizes various events off-campus fight for a socialist alternative to the current capitalist status quo, educate members on topics related to socialist political alternatives, and engage in acts of solidarity with various local and international movements.

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